Embodied lap dance Course

Release the need to perform.

Unlock the confidence of claiming your power.

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Sometimes you forget who you are. You lose sight of the power you hold in your body. Your innermost essence is screaming, while the noise of this world attempts to convince you you’re not enough.

You may perceive a lap dance as a sexual act, meant to be a performance with the intention of pleasing the person in the chair.

Today we redefine a lap dance as a form of movement and sensuality that invites you to reclaim that power for yourself.

Through sensual embodiment, you will learn to listen to yourself. You will practice movement as a means of witnessing your own power. You will develop the confidence to make decisions and take actions in alignment with your highest self. The potential you have when you activate your power is limitless.



  • A lap dance is a sexual act 

  • A lap dance is a performance for someone else

  • You have to know certain moves to give a lap dance 

  • Your appearance and outfit determine your power of attraction


  • An embodied lap dance is not a performance, it’s you authentically moving for yourself.

  • An embodied lap dance is for YOU

  • Intuitive movement is the right movement, learn to listen to your body

  • The embodied lap dance is a self-love tool you can use to connect to your power and self-confidence

Embodied Lap Dance COURSE

The BPE Embodied Lap Dance Course will invite you to look at yourself in the mirror with a new perspective.

You will learn how to connect with yourself deeply and witness your own power. 

A journey with Brittini Burton, Founder of Big Pussy Energy, will teach you how to hold boundaries, master new techniques to drop into your body, and ultimately honor your true expression and harness the power within.

This course is designed to be fun, self-guided, and enjoyable. There is an element of pleasure that is complimented by the deep inner work of getting to know the parts of yourself that may have been told they need to be hidden, silenced, or ignored. 

With the community of Big Pussy Energy you will bring the fullness of your power through your body and into the world through the modality of dance and movement. Venturing outside of your comfort zone is the first step to unlocking your wildest inner essence.  

The ultimate goal and end result is that you will rediscover your personal power through sensual movement.

this is your reclamation.



Giving away your power is letting your energy leave you without permission by making yourself uncomfortable and dishonoring your desires. It can look like:

  • Making decisions that benefit others in sacrifice of yourself

  • Fearing what others think and acting small so as to not intimidate others

  • Feeling out of touch with yourself

  • Not dressing the way you want for fear of judgment 

  • Holding back from sharing something on your heart

  • Feeling dependent on something external 

  • People pleasing 

This is not something to be ashamed of, we have all done it. The question is, how do you reclaim that power?

A lap dance is a physical modality that directly addresses the susceptibility we have to give away our power. By redefining this form of movement and claiming a lap dance as a self-love practice, rather than a performance, you can learn how to channel your power from within.

The BPE Embodied Lap Dance Course is for you if:

🔥You’ve grown tired of seeking validation and aliveness outside yourself and are ready to ignite your own inner flame

🔥You’re ready to break free from old patterns of self neglect and step into a realm of unapologetic self -expression

🔥 You lost touch in your confidence and are ready to remember who the f*uck you are

🔥 Ready to embrace your pleasure on your own terms 


Big Pussy Energy is all about connection to self and the community of sisterhood.  While going through this course you will have access* to the Big Pussy Energy community to reflect on what you’re learning and hear about the powerful journey of other women in this course.

The medicine of sisterhood is when a sister holds up a mirror to you (figuratively) and reflects your power back to you, speaking directly to what she sees.

We do not need to do this life alone. Ultimately, Big Pussy Energy is the remembrance of who you are at your core. A powerful, beautiful, energetic force.  You are not broken, nothing is missing. Perhaps throughout the journey of life, you’ve forgotten how powerful you are.

Through your body, your essence, and your sisters you will be reminded of what you are capable of creating in this life. 

*Access is free for 7 days


It may be true that you used to believe that the answer to your problems was external. But your higher self knows that the answer is within.

It could be that your actions used to display that you believed a partner was the answer. That by attracting and keeping another person you would feel more alive, experience more pleasure, and connect to a part of yourself that only someone else could illuminate.

Maybe it’s not a partner, but a job, the perfect home, the nice car, or the bigger salary. There’s a yearning within you that says, “I know there’s more. I know it can be better, but I can’t find it.”

Big Pussy Energy is all about helping you find exactly what your soul yearns for. And the big secret, it’s waiting patiently for you within the deepest parts of your feminine. Through the chapters of the Embodied Lap Dance course, you will allow yourself to connect to self and access your power that has always been within waiting to claim space and ignite your desires


🔥 Lifetime access to The Embodied Lap Dance Course 

🔥 Sexy Spotify Playlist 

🔥 Free week in the BPE Community where you can connect with other women taking the course

🔥 A deep dive into your unique, luscious power

one time purchase of $177

Allow yourself to ignite your power. This is for you!